Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level organum Short Extended
Level 2 os Short Extended
Level 3 os longum Short Extended
Current level costa
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7574 852 part
7592 853 part
costa vera
true rib
7596 9633
costa atypicalis
atypical rib
7597 870 part
costa prima ; costa prima vera
first rib ; true first rib
7620 874 part
costa secunda ; costa secunda vera
second rib ; true second rib
7593 9634
costa typicalis
typical rib
7638 10841 part
costa tertia ; costa tertia vera
third rib ; true third rib
7749 10832 part
costa quarta ; costa quarta vera
fourth rib ; true fourth rib
7776 10833 part
costa quinta ; costa quinta vera
fifth rib ; true fifth rib
8147 10834 part
costa sexta ; costa sexta vera
sixth rib ; true sixth rib
7830 10835 part
costa septima ; costa septima vera
seventh rib ; true seventh rib
7594 854 part
costa spuria
false rib
8120 10836 part
costa octava ; costa octava spuria
eighth rib ; false eighth rib
8337 10837 part
costa nona ; costa nona spuria
ninth rib ; false ninth rib
8418 8573 part
costa decima ; costa decima spuria
tenth rib ; false tenth rib
9912 855 part
costa fluctuans
floating rib
8499 8574 part
costa undecima ; costa undecima fluctuans
eleventh rib ; floating eleventh rib
8515 8575 part
costa duodecima ; costa duodecima fluctuans
twelfth rib ; floating twelfth rib
18 items
42 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 852
Number of children 41 (validated)
Number of units 18 (validated)
Signature 13720 (validated since 11.6.2024)
Date: 31.12.2024